Help Stop Human Trafficking in Nepal

I recently returned from Nepal, where a US Army Team is working with local organizations to stop human trafficking. Human trafficking is a huge problem in a nation where poverty abounds, economic opportunity is lacking, and nearly 60% of people survive on less than $2 per day. The 2015 earthquake further marginalized rural communities and weakened traditional community structures, making people even more vulnerable.
The sexual exploitation of women and children is perhaps the most familiar example of human trafficking, but other forms also plague Nepal, including organ trafficking and labor trafficking. These atrocities do irreparable physical and mental damage to the victims. In addition, they have a significant negative impact on the health, economies, and the social fabric of their communities.
Several grassroots Nepali anti-trafficking organizations do important work to protect those vulnerable to trafficking, to educate communities, and to help victims reclaim their lives. Unfortunately, many of them were hard-hit by the 2015 earthquake that rocked this small mountain country. SoA is working to provide these organizations with new laptops, printers, and cameras, communication tools that will allow them to save more innocent people from the horrors of human trafficking.
We need your help. Donate now to support this project and fight human trafficking in Nepal.
Thank you for your support,
Chris VanJohnson
Field Operations Project Manager
Learn more about our All Veterans Field Operations Team here.
Chris is a US Army veteran having served as an Armor officer with a deployment to Baghdad in 2008-09 and then as a Special Operations Civil Affairs Officer with multiple deployments to Nepal in 2011-12.