Help Syrian children recover from brutal conflict

Dear supporters,
Ravaging entire communities and leaving hundreds of thousands dead in its wake, the brutal Syrian conflict has had a devastating impact on the lives of countless people across the nation.
The war has taken an even greater toll on the children of Syria. Many can barely remember life prior to the conflict, and the youngest among them have only known war.
As communities struggle to rebuild in areas liberated by the US-led coalition, the need for children to gain a sense of normalcy and properly transition back to everyday life has never been more important.
To help these children return to normal, peaceful lives, Spirit of America is working alongside a US Army team and local Syrian partners to provide sporting equipment to recreational facilities around the city of Manbij.
Providing this equipment not only helps pave the way for a better future for the children of Syria, but also demonstrates that the American people, and our troops on the ground, are here to help.
However, we can’t do it alone. For only $10, you can purchase one ball for a child in need, while $70 equips an entire family with recreational gear.
Your donation will go a long way to help a child in need, while also building trust between US troops and the local Syrians they seek to help.
As always, thank you. None of this would be possible without supporters like yourself. For more information on our latest projects across the globe, check out our website by clicking here.
Until next time,
Zack Bazzi
Middle East Regional Advisor

Children in Syria struggle to regain a sense of normalcy.

A sports field in Syria; recreation is essential for children to develop and grow.

Zack served in the US Army and Army National Guard from 1997 to 2008, completing four overseas deployments to Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.