Help US troops get children who survived ISIS back to school

Spirit of America is working with US forces in northeast Syria to help children in areas recently liberated from ISIS control. We are providing school supplies and funding repairs so that children who have lived through the atrocities of ISIS rule and civil war can get back to school in September. Helping Syrian youth return to school will significantly improve their future outlook, make US troops safer, and help prevent conflict in the fragile region.
There are around 30,000 young students in these liberated areas. They need desks and classroom repairs, as well as pens, pencils, notebooks, backpacks, and the like. The cost to get one student equipped for school and into a safe, functional classroom is just $25.
As American children prepare to return to safe, friendly classrooms across the country, please consider giving a Syrian child a similar experience. A small contribution to this project goes a long way toward providing a sense of normalcy and opportunity to children who have lacked both for so long. And, as with all of our projects, your support for this project will further the US mission—in this case, by allowing US troops to maintain the momentum created by defeating ISIS in these areas.
Spirit of America’s field representatives are working alongside US soldiers to ensure that all assistance is provided where it will have the greatest impact. Please help today.
Thank you for your generosity and your support,
Jim Hake
CEO, Spirit of America

Spirit of America is the only 501(c)(3) non-profit working alongside US servicemembers and diplomats to improve their safety and success. In 2018, Congress recognized us as a partner in “supporting the missions of deployed United States personnel around the world.”