Help a US Army team and the Nigerian police root out corruption
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Your Impact
Spirit of America spent $2,445 on an anti-corruption billboard, $985.14 on bumper stickers, and $213.05 on wire fees, shipping, and other costs for a total of $3,643.19.
This project is fully funded. THANK YOU!
Since colonial times, corruption has been a persistent phenomenon in Nigeria. The country’s current president, Muhammadu Buhari, has defined corruption as the greatest form of human rights violations. His government has tried to curtail corruption through legislation and increased law enforcement efforts, but reform has been slow.
Corruption is a primary factor fueling Boko Haram’s violent insurgency in the country. Prior to his death, Mohammed Yusuf, the founder of Boko Haram, often cited corruption within the government and police force in northeast Nigeria as proof of their illegitimacy. Ultimately, it was the enactment of a new traffic law and the resulting petty corruption of street level police officers that set off the first wave of Boko Haram violence in 2009.

PCRRU anti-corruption leaflets are printed in Hausa, an important indigenous language, and Pidgin English.
Today, a US Army team is working with the Nigerian Police Force Public Complaint Rapid Response Unit (PCRRU) to increase their effectiveness and, ultimately, root out corruption in an effort to improve governance and stability in this regionally important country.

The US Army team sergeant and members of the Nigerian PCRRU discuss the upcoming anti-corruption campaign.
Through the PCRRU, the general population can report corruption and abuses by police and government officials at all levels. However, the unit is only as effective as the tips and information they receive. Increasing public awareness of the PCRRU’s activities and the various ways to report corruption is essential to the unit’s success.
During the course of their efforts to support the PCRRU, the US Army team quickly identified publicity and community engagement as critical needs for the PCRRU. In turn, the team reached out to Spirit of America, explaining the challenges facing the PCRRU and their plan for a public anti-corruption campaign.
With your help, Spirit of America can provide the support necessary to promote the PCRRU’s anti-corruption campaign and address a primary driver of conflict in Nigeria.