Repair Mukalla Radio Station in Yemen
This project is fully funded. Thank you!
Your Impact
Spirit of America spent $17,783.30 on microphones, mixers, headphones, and other studio equipment.
Mukalla is the fifth largest city in Yemen, located 300 miles east of Aden, and is the largest port in the Governorate of Hadramaut, which is subsequently the largest governorate in Yemen. Yemen, which has for many years been a hotbed of jihadi activity, is still recovering from the recent revolution during the Arab Spring of 2011. Out of this reduced capacity for civil governance jihadi and other destabilizing and extremist groups have flourished. And in April of 2015, following a prison break that freed two high ranking Al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP) leaders, AQAP captured the city of Mukalla. For one year Mukalla served as the declared capitol and headquarters for the Al-Qaeda Emirate of Yemen. In April of 2016, a Saudi-led coalition led an operation to recapture Mukalla. While the city is no longer under AQAP control, that does not mean that it is free of the stain of jihadi and extremist influence. With AQAP out of the picture there is a vacuum. Since its liberation from AQAP there have been five suicide bombings in Mukalla, attributed to, or claimed by ISIS.

Mukalla, Hadramaut, Yemen
According to U.S. Advisors, their local partners have identified the radio station in Mukalla as one of their highest priorities for the development and stabilization of the area, the previous radio station having been destroyed by AQAP. Establishment of a permanent radio station will allow the government of Mukalla a medium to put out emergency messaging as well as provide the people of Hadramaut greater access to news and community information. Additionally, it will provide the US and its coalition partners a way to interact with the populace of the greater Hadramaut and explain current events and the dangers posed by extremism. There is currently no reliable radio station in Hadramaut disseminating independent news or public service announcements; all other stations play religious messages or music only.

Children standing in rubble from homes destroyed during the current conflict in Yemen. (photo courtesy of AP)
While the coalition was able to cover the costs of repairing the building and hiring staff, a critical gap existed: the station needed basic equipment to get back on the air. With your help, Spirit of America can provide the electronics needed to outfit a studio to record, produce, and broadcast this vital content.