Spirit of America Syria response 2019

Spirit of America is working closely with US military and civilian government officials and their local counterparts in Iraq and Syria to provide assistance following the announcement of the US withdrawal from Syria in October. All SoA assistance is in response to the critical local needs they identify during this evolving situation. SoA support is focused on reinforcing critical relationships between deployed US personnel and their local partners, preserving the lives and limbs of those impacted by the conflict, and addressing basic needs as Syrian refugees flee to Iraqi Kurdistan. You can directly support the safety and success of Americans deployed to Iraq and Syria, and the local people and partners they seek to help, by getting involved in the following projects.
Medical kits for Syrian partners
US Special Operations Forces (USSOF) remain partnered with their local counterparts in the Euphrates River Valley of eastern Syria, preventing the resurgence of the Islamic State and improving security and stability among local communities. Spirit of America is providing these local partners with medical kits to strengthen the relationship between them and their USSOF counterparts, and provide a critical life-saving capability as they continue the difficult mission to eradicate ISIS and protect the local population.
Generators and fuel to power border checkpoints and safeguard Syrian refugees
After the Turkish invasion of northeast Syria, Syrian Kurds and other minority populations have fled across the border seeking shelter in Iraqi Kurdistan. During the last two weeks of October alone, almost 14,000 refugees have flooded across the Syria-Iraq border. Spirit of America is providing a generator to provide power to the border crossing station to help the Kurdish Regional Government of Iraq process these vulnerable refugees quickly and safely. And, we’re providing fuel to support transport from the border crossings to the transit site in Iraqi Kurdistan, where they can begin receiving humanitarian assistance.