Support US-Jordanian counter-extremism research

Dear supporters,
Jordan is one of America’s closest allies in the Middle East. For decades, it has stood firmly alongside the US in fighting extremism and promoting stability in a volatile region.
Defeating extremism requires a shrewd understanding of the root causes that drive vulnerable populations to commit acts of terror. The Jordanian Armed Forces recently established an academic institution to do exactly that. The Jordan Center for Counter Extremism (JCCE) provides military officers and government officials the opportunity to conduct in-depth research and devise effective strategies to defeat extremism. The lessons learned during the master’s program offered by the JCCE will inform counter-extremism approaches in Jordan and throughout the region.
The Army team working out of the US Embassy in Amman, Jordan’s capital, identified an opportunity for Spirit of America to support this critical effort. The JCCE needs additional academic resources to help realize the full potential of the research program. Academic books focused on counter-extremism, history, religion, economics, and other related topics will prepare students to tackle regional security challenges.
With your help, Spirit of America is providing nearly 1,100 academic books to the JCCE’s research facility. These resources will not only help counter violent extremism, but also support an important US ally while strengthening relations between our troops and their Jordanian partners.
A donation of $60 can purchase at least three books. Please consider making a gift today.
As always, thank you for your incredible support,
Isaac Eagan
Chief Operating Officer

My colleague, Zack Bazzi, who led this project, explains the importance of the JCCE initiative. Click to watch his video update.

The JCCE research facility is in need of counter-extremist resources for students enrolled in the Master’s program.
Isaac is a veteran of the Army National Guard with two tours in Iraq, in 2003-2004 and 2006-2007. After his last deployment during the Surge, he served as the OEF/OIF Coordinator for the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.