Bringing Leaders Together in Chad to Defeat Violent Extremism

A US Team in Chad recently hosted a Traditional Leaders’ Engagement to bring together key municipal, traditional, and religious leaders in N’Djamena, the nation’s capital. This event provided a forum for key influencers to discuss security issues with the premiere Chadian counter-terrorism force, the Special Anti-Terrorism Group (SATG); allowing local leaders to address their questions and concerns directly to those responsible for combatting Boko Haram and other violent extremist organizations.
60 Chadian leaders participated in the day-long event, to include traditional leaders, government officials, members of civil society and the Chadian military along with the US Ambassador and other members of the US military and embassy staff. Spirit of America was able to facilitate the effort by providing basic logistical support.
Highlights of the event included:

The SATG Action Civil-Militaire Commander responds to a District Mayor’s concernsabout security and instability; explaining the roles and responsibilities of Ndjamena’s security elements

The assembled participants of the event include members of Nigerien Civil Society, Religious Leaders, Government Official, Nigerien Military Leaders, the US Ambassador, and members of the US Embassy Country Team
- Traditional leaders aired concerns to the Regional Governor of Chari-Baguirmi and drafted a resolution for the Prime Minister and President of Chad outlining a suggested strategy for future efforts.
- The SATG Commanding General provided an overview of the unit’s mission and capabilities, which was broadcast on national news.
- The US Ambassador delivered remarks highlighting the impact SATG is making on regional security and the importance of civil-military engagement in counter violent-extremism
- Chadian leadership echoed gratitude for US support and requested further US military cooperation to address insecurities throughout the country

Customized Pens and Notebooks were provided by Spirit of America for the event. The items served not only practical purposes but were also a token gift to participants and added to the professionalism of the gathering.

Spirit of America is the only 501(c)(3) non-profit working alongside US servicemembers and diplomats to improve their safety and success. In 2018, Congress recognized us as a partner in “supporting the missions of deployed United States personnel around the world.”