A letter from CEO Jim Hake

It’s been quite a year. I hope you and your loved ones are well.
I am writing to ask for your support.
You’ve heard about Spirit of America from the highest levels —former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joe Dunford saying, “Your support of Spirit of America is important to the country’s future.” And, Ambassador Ryan Crocker, “We are all in this together, and we need to work together. No one is doing that better than Spirit of America.”
They have seen us up close. They know Spirit of America is a big idea with an immensely practical impact. Our big idea is to preserve the blessings of liberty by providing a way for citizens like you to strengthen our security and advance America’s values.
Our big idea works because Spirit of America is practical. We produce results. We use an entrepreneurial, demand-driven approach that supports the initiative of our troops and diplomats closest to the problem. It works because Spirit of America exemplifies the values that have made America a great and exceptional nation.
Like you, we want to preserve the blessings of liberty and the promise of a free and better life. Spirit of America offers a unique and practical way you can help achieve that goal. Your participation is not only helpful, it is essential because government can’t do it alone. As Special Forces Master Sergeant Aaron Zwosta says, “Short of picking up arms and joining us hand in hand, there is no better way to support the troops.”
I know you have many demands, especially this year. Please make room for Spirit of America and make a year-end gift. Thank you.
My best wishes for very happy holidays and a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous 2021.