Working together will make America stronger

Every day, Spirit of America advances and protects America’s interests and values around the world. Spirit of America embodies what we can achieve when we come together and support what’s best in our country.
When I first learned about Spirit of America, they were working with US Special Operations Forces on the front lines. I immediately saw what Spirit of America’s work could contribute to force protection — keeping our troops safe so they can complete their missions — in the most remote and dangerous places.
Spirit of America’s work to meet the needs of local communities helped our servicemembers gain the support of the local population. Installing a water pump to provide clean water to a village in the Philippines, providing medical equipment and school supplies to villages in Syria, and improving livestock health in West Africa helped those in need while also reducing the risk to our forces. Spirit of America has been instrumental in building relationships and goodwill between our troops and the communities where they serve, undoubtedly saving lives in the process.
Protecting our forces deployed overseas is important for all of us. For me, it has a very personal relevance. One member of my family served 26 years in the Navy and Navy Reserve. Another currently serves in the Navy. That’s one reason I am a proud Spirit of America donor and Advisory Board member.
My career has been as a national security policymaker and advisor. I’ve served in the Pentagon, including as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, where I was a principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense. It is clear the world is facing fundamental challenges with the rise of an authoritarian China, the resurgence of Russia, and persistent threats from terrorism, North Korea, and Iran. If we don’t deal with these threats far from our shores, they have a way of showing up here at home in much more costly and sometimes catastrophic ways.
It will take all of us working together to address these challenges. That’s what Spirit of America is so good at. Spirit of America is patriotism without politics: Americans working together in practical ways to help their fellow Americans who are forward deployed and ultimately making America stronger.
As a nation, we have a great history of citizens coming together and answering the call to help. After 9/11, we came together with a common sense of purpose. I’ve been heartened by a similar response by engaged citizens to the crisis in Afghanistan. Seeing Americans in action, I am confident we can overcome our challenges and protect our way of life.
That’s why I’m asking you to support Spirit of America. By donating to Spirit of America, you directly support your fellow Americans on the front lines dedicated to preserving the promise of a free and better life. Supporting Spirit of America unites us in our commitment to our country. Please join our team of citizens serving the nation.

The Honorable Michèle Flournoy is a former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and currently is co-founder and managing partner of WestExec Advisors, a national security advisory firm. She is also a member of Spirit of America’s Advisory Board.

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