US Marines and SoA – a coalition of the can do

Right now, US Marines are in Iraq helping Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga troops stop ISIS. Spirit of America is on the ground supporting that effort by providing essential gear like metal detectors and first aid kits to the Marines’ Iraqi partners. Everything we are providing is in response to needs identified by the Marines and in support of their difficult and dangerous mission.
You can help here.
I’m happy we are helping the Marines again—they’ve been an inspiration to me and Spirit of America from the beginning.
Our first two projects in 2003 were in support of Marines in Iraq. The first two officers I met in 2003, after starting SoA, were Marines: General Jim Mattis, and then-Colonel, (now General) Joe Dunford.
General Mattis is now on Spirit of America’s Advisory Board (read why here) and General Dunford is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, our nation’s highest military official. We have two other Marines on our Advisory Board: former Secretary of State George Shultz and General (Retired) Jim Jones.
In 2004, Dan Henninger of The Wall Street Journal paid SoA a great compliment when he wrote, “Spirit of America and the Marines are a coalition of the can do.”
In 2009, General Dunford invited me to be the Guest of Honor at the Marines Evening Parade in Washington on Memorial Day weekend. It was an incredibly powerful experience. Watch this 2-min. video and you’ll see what I mean. The most moving moment was when we were reviewing the Marines.
Most of the Marines were young: 18 – 24 years old. As they marched by, turning their heads toward us, the band began playing the Marines’ Hymn (“From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli”) I was overwhelmed by appreciation for the profound sacrifice the Marines make for us.
The Marines motto is “Semper Fidelis,” It means “Always Faithful.” Because of my experience that night I came back to run Spirit of America in July 2009. I wanted to make sure SoA was doing all we could to support the safety and success of the Marines, especially as more of them deployed to Afghanistan.
And, this past June, at the invitation of Colonel Ben Watson, I attended the Marines Evening Parade again – this time with some of the Spirit of America team. SoA supported Colonel Watson’s Marines in Afghanistan. The evening was just as moving and inspirational as it had been in 2009.
Join our “coalition of the can do”
We are proud to be helping the Marines. Please join our “coalition of the can do” by giving here. As always, you have our 100% Promise: 100% of your gift will be used to provide what the Marines say is needed. And, if your funds are not needed, we’ll offer you a refund.
Thank you for your support.
Semper Fidelis,
Jim Hake and the Spirit of America team

Jim founded Spirit of America in response to the attacks of 9/11. Prior to Spirit of America Jim was an entrepreneur. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, an honorary member of the US Army Civil Affairs Regiment, and a contributing author to "Warriors and Citizens: American Views of Our Military."