Ironclad support for US troops, diplomats, and partners in the Middle East

A few days after I joined Spirit of America as Chief of International Operations, I traveled to the Iraqi Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, where Spirit of America has been making a difference for two decades. As a US Navy veteran with multiple deployments to the Middle East, I understand the importance of local partnerships across the globe and particularly in this critical region. Partners are always essential to helping American troops and diplomats improve governance, strengthen stability, and promote opportunity.

Because our work in the Middle East is so vital, I am proud to announce a new strategic initiative to help US troops, diplomats, and local partners in Iraqi Kurdistan and northeast Syria advance security, save lives, and create opportunity.

Helping US troops and partners in the Middle East has been core to Spirit of America’s mission for decades. In 2003, one of our first projects was in the historic town of Khurmal in Iraqi Kurdistan, where extremist groups forbade music for a decade. Working closely with a US Army officer and local leaders, we raised $50,000 and delivered musical instruments to the community — and the sound of music could be heard again.

In 2015, when the Islamic State overran northern Iraq, Spirit of America began implementing dozens of initiatives in support of Iraqi Kurdistan security forces – the Peshmerga. In one of our first, we equipped a Peshmerga engineering company with metal detectors, ropes, hook knives, and multi-tools to detect and safely disarm explosive devices. Our Middle East and Central Asia Regional Director, Zack Bazzi, wrote about his experience meeting the unit’s commander officer, who told him, “Although you live in America, I know how you feel about us. We appreciate you helping us from another continent and helping us destroy this enemy. Because of your help from far away in support of freedom, peace, and stability to the people of Kurdistan, we thank you.”

By the end of 2017, Iraqi forces — supported by American troops, diplomats, and citizens — successfully liberated northern Iraq from ISIS, thanks to their untold sacrifice and heroism. But the terror group continued to pose a serious threat to regional security and stability, so we kept up our aid to US-partnered military units. This kind of compelling work that changes, improves, and saves lives inspired me to join Spirit of America.

Events of the last year have demonstrated why partners in the Middle East continue to need our support. Regional actors have exploited instability to gain influence, often through armed militias and proxy forces. US troops and their partners face daily threats from extremist groups. More than 170 attacks have been carried out against US forces in Iraq and Syria since October 2023. That is why we have made Iraqi Kurdistan and Northeast Syria the top priorities for our Strategic Initiative.

In Iraqi Kurdistan, following intense consultations with Kurdistan Regional Government leaders, community leaders, heads of NGOs, policy experts, and US diplomats, we are taking a comprehensive “360-degree” approach to strengthen regional security, invest in youth and communities, and promote diplomacy and partnership.

To strengthen regional security, we will provide Peshmerga troops with tools to help detect ISIS fighters operating in remote areas. We will work with the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs to improve medical readiness reporting so ministry leaders can improve the well-being of their soldiers. We will expand our Peshmerga English language program, which improves tactical interoperability with US special operations forces and helps grow the pool of eligible Peshmerga and Iraqi soldiers eligible for US military opportunities in the US.

To invest in youth and communities, we will empower young people through a dynamic social entrepreneurship competition that will provide seed funding for the most innovative and impactful ideas to improve their communities and increase social cohesion.

To support public diplomacy and communicate the benefits of our partnership, we will launch an independent, fact-based, social media campaign highlighting American assistance and the historic ties that unite our peoples.

In Northeast Syria, where about 1,000 US troops are deployed to help local partners counter the enduring threat of ISIS, we are helping US Special Forces save and improve lives. Spirit of America will invest in a local mine removal organization to remove mines and explosives from agricultural land, buildings, and industrial facilities. This initiative will help communities recover, promote stability, and strengthen relationships between US troops and local communities.

Our mission is grounded in the belief that a rising tide lifts all ships. A more secure and successful Middle East means a more secure and successful America. This joint work will not be easy, but our commitment to American troops, diplomats, and local partners in the Middle East is ironclad. Please consider supporting our work in the Middle East by making a gift today.

Alan Reyes is Spirit of America’s Chief of International Operations. He brings over 30 years of leadership experience, spanning not-for-profit, military, and high-growth start-up organizations. Prior to Spirit of America, Alan served as Chief Operating Officer of United Service Organizations (USO), and served in the US Navy, retiring as a Rear Admiral and as the Navy Reserve’s senior logistics officer.

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“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

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Suite 70 | Arlington, VA 22201

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No endorsement of Spirit of America by the US Department of Defense, Department of State, or US personnel is intended or implied.

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 20-1687786

“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

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