Frequently asked questions about our work in Ukraine

What aid are you sending to Ukraine?
Spirit of America is providing lifesaving equipment to Ukrainians defending their freedom and democracy on the front lines. All of our assistance is nonlethal and consists of items such as ballistic helmets and bulletproof vests, medical equipment, ready-to-eat meals, communications equipment, night vision devices, surveillance drones, vehicles for transporting injured troops and supplies, investments in training courses, and more.
How much aid have you been able to deliver to the front lines?
To date, we have sent over 800 tons of lifesaving aid directly to Ukrainian defenders on the front lines.
Why can’t the government provide this aid?
Spirit of America’s assistance complements what the US Government is providing. The needs we identify in partnership with our US military partners fill essential gaps that aren’t covered by big government packages, which largely consist of large-scale defense systems. Spirit of America’s flexibility, logistics networks, and established relationships with partners on the ground allow us to act quickly to deliver exactly what is needed in response to real-time operations, and get to the hands of the specific units that need them the most.
How much have you raised in support of your Ukraine efforts and where do you get your funding?
We have raised over $30 million in funding. We are completely privately funded and do not accept any government funding. All of our donations come from private citizens, foundations, and companies. It is thanks to the generosity of our donors that we are able to purchase this lifesaving equipment to support Ukraine.
How are you different from other nonprofits working in the region?
Most assistance organizations are neutral: they exist specifically to provide humanitarian relief to refugees and victims of war. Spirit of America is not neutral: we take the side of American troops, we take the side of America’s allies, and we take the side of Ukraine. This enables us to directly support Ukrainians who are volunteering to defend their country. Our targeted assistance is delivered directly into the hands of Ukrainians on the front lines with the goal of helping Ukraine win.
Who are you working with in Ukraine?
We are working closely with US military and State Department personnel, their Ukrainian counterparts, and Ukrainian partners that we established relationships with back in 2015 after Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine.
Do you have control over where your aid is distributed in Ukraine?
Because of the relationships we have built with networks on the ground, we are able to send the aid exactly where it is needed most; our deliveries are based on real-time operations. Our trusted partners and logistics networks allow us to act swiftly in response to shifts on the battlefield, and deliver exactly what is needed to the most kinetic conflict zones.
As the situation develops, has there been a shift in the type of aid that Spirit of America is sending?
Since the war began, our top priority has been providing lifesaving assistance, protective gear, and logistical equipment to Ukrainians on the front lines. This is what our partners in Ukraine tell us is needed most. As frontline needs shift, so does our assistance. During the counteroffensive campaigns at the end of last year, we shifted resources toward equipment that would enhance Ukrainian forces’ speed and maneuverability, providing items like binoculars, personal tactical equipment, and ruggedly mobile pickup trucks to all the operational detachments directly responsible for pushing Russians back in key sectors from Kharkiv to Kherson. We continue to accommodate what Ukrainian forces need most now, from critical startup funding for training courses to technology such as surveillance drones and night vision goggles that will protect Ukrainian lives.
Is Russia undermining your efforts in Ukraine?
No. We have a trusted network on the ground. We’re working with the US military and their local partners to make sure that all of our operations are running through secure routes.
Are you and your Ukrainian partners at risk from sharing this information?
Spirit of America does not reveal any mission-critical or sensitive information that could endanger our employees or our local partners. We also work closely with US military public affairs officers to ensure that our messaging does not jeopardize operations on the ground.
What are the dangers for other neighboring countries?
This war has implications for the larger global order: If the sanctity of borders is no longer respected, that paves the way for future land grabs and violations of state sovereignty. Ukrainians are fighting not just for their freedom and democracy, but that of the rest of Europe and the United States as well.
How can people in Ukraine get in touch with you to get aid?
For security reasons, we cannot specify which units will receive assistance or accommodate individual requests at this time. We are working closely with US and Ukrainian partners on the ground to identify and validate exactly what is needed and where.
Are there recordings of Spirit of America’s Ukraine briefings that I can share with my networks?
Recordings of all of our briefings are on our YouTube channel.
What is the best way to give funds in support of the Ukraine effort?
The best way to directly support the Ukraine effort is by donating to our Ukraine fund on our website. 100% of your donation will go directly to help Ukrainians, with no overhead or operating costs deducted.
How do I volunteer to help support Ukraine?
Unfortunately, we are not set up to incorporate volunteers in our international operations. Moreover, it would be disruptive to bring volunteers into the relationships we have with our US military and State Department partners. The best way to support Ukraine is by donating to our Ukraine fund and spreading the word about our work with your networks.