Please consider a year end gift to Spirit of America

In 2019, Spirit of America was able to implement over 200 projects in support of our troops and diplomats. Please consider a year-end gift to Spirit of America. Your donation will help those who serve our nation abroad return home safely and proud of their success.
We’re proud to share some photos from a few of our efforts over the past year:
To help root out the remnants of ISIS and clear war-ravaged northern Iraq of mines and unexploded bombs, Spirit of America partnered with US Army soldiers to outfit the Kurdish Peshmerga’s K-9 bomb disposal squad with lifesaving protective equipment and metal detectors, and life-sustaining food and medicine.
To help prevent the recruitment of vulnerable youth by gangs and narcotraffickers throughout Central America, Spirit of America worked alongside US Marines deployed to Guatemala to support vocational training programs, supplying equipment to support an automotive mechanic course to provide legitimate job opportunities.
Please consider making a year-end gift to help our troops and diplomats build trust and goodwill, prevent conflict, and strengthen America’s security.
We wish you and your family the absolute best as you ring in the New Year.
The team at Spirit of America
PS: If you prefer to send a check, our address is:
Spirit of America
3033 Wilson Blvd – Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201