9/11 and citizen service

Today is the 18th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11.
I still get emotional thinking about that day. I founded Spirit of America in response to those attacks. I wanted to do my part to secure the blessings of liberty. My TED talk tells the story.
Remembering the 9/11 attacks, those who were killed that day and those who have sacrificed since, it’s easy to focus on what we are against. We are against terrorism and extremism. We are against those with a dark and regressive view of human liberty and dignity.
As we maintain our focus on what we are against, 9/11 is an important time to keep our heads up and remember what we are for. America is more than a nation. It’s an idea. Despite our imperfections, America remains a beacon of hope. America represents the promise of a free and better life. That is what our servicemembers fight to defend.
I wish I could say that after 18 years, the job is finished but we all know it is not.
The ultimate strength of America is in citizens serving the nation and, on their own initiative, doing what needs to be done. Some do it in uniform. We honor and support them. And, we know you don’t have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.
Yours in remembering the sacrifices made on 9/11/01, and in all the days since, and doing our best to serve our great nation and the idea it represents,
and the Spirit of America team