Perspectives from the field: Serving in and out of uniform Colleen served in the US Coast Guard for over eight years. Drawn to the Coast Guard’s humanitarian mission, Colleen joined at the age of 17. By 23 years old, she was the lead law enforcement officer for a ship...
Posts: In the News
Spirit of America earns 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for 4th consecutive year
For the fourth year in a row, Spirit of America has received a coveted 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. Charity Navigator bases its ratings on nonprofits’ financial health and commitment to accountability and...
Spirit of America is the cover story for Philanthropy magazine’s Spring issue!
Help us equip this K9 unit with the gear and supplies needed to stay safe and become fully operational.Read first-hand embedded reporting on Spirit of America’s impact making US troops and diplomats on the front lines safer and helping them spread American values....
Must read: Wall Street Journal article highlighting Spirit of America’s work
Help us equip this K9 unit with the gear and supplies needed to stay safe and become fully operational.There was a great article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday titled, Wars Aren’t Won by Government Alone. In it, Karl Zinsmeister discussed how American private...
Spirit of America on CNN
Greetings, Josh Brandon, Spirit of America’s Middle East Regional Manager, was interviewed on CNN’s “Right Now with Brianna Kielar” during the holidays. Josh, a US Army veteran who was awarded the Silver Star for valor in Iraq, discussed the profound impact SoA has...
Spirit of America’s Josh Brandon on CNN Right Now with Brianna Keilar
Spirit of America TED Talk: The New War and Peace Latest News
SoA has been rated 4-stars by Charity Navigator!
Greetings, Spirit of America is proud to announce that Charity Navigator, one of the nation’s leading evaluators of charities and nonprofit organizations, has given our organization 4 out of 4 stars! Click here to see what makes SoA stand out. In order to earn this...
-Spirit of America- A force multiplier as US Forces take on complex, worldwide problem sets
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