Liberty and justice for all

Spirit of America stands for the values and ideals on which America was founded – the ideals articulated so powerfully in our Declaration of Independence, embedded in our Constitution, carved into our Supreme Court, and reflected in our Pledge of Allegiance. We are for one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
That’s why we condemn, and must work together to end, racism and racial injustice here at home.
Remember that united we stand, divided we fall. And, divided we fail. If we fail, we dishonor all those who have served the nation – from the Revolutionary War to the pioneers of the civil rights movement to our doctors and nurses on the front lines of the coronavirus to those who are serving right now in places like Afghanistan, Syria, and Somalia. They put their lives on the line for the rest of us. America’s ideals are more important than ever. We need to make them a reality for Americans of every color. It is time for all of us to serve the nation.
We can start with things that every American can and should do. Acknowledge that racism is a problem. Lean in and listen to our fellow citizens, understand what they are saying, and value their experiences. Commit to taking action for the public good.
America does have enemies. Our enemies seek to impose a dark and regressive view of human liberty and dignity on the world. They seek to divide us in order to conquer us. Spirit of America has worked with US troops and diplomats for 17 years to help them prevail against our enemies. We know who America’s enemies are, we know what they do, and we understand what they want. Our fellow citizens are not our enemies.
As it has been since America’s founding, our citizens must actively participate to secure the blessings of liberty. We owe it to those who came before us, we owe it to each other, and we owe it to future generations. Now is the time for all of us to commit to ending racial injustice. We must work together peacefully to help the country and make America a more perfect union. That is the promise and the spirit of America.
Jim Hake Chief Executive Officer