Support the US Army at a vocational school in Niger to bring education to marginalized children
This project is fully funded. Thank you!
Your Impact
With the help of our donors, Spirit of America provided $4,380 worth of equipment such as sewing machines, welding gear, and tool kits to a vocational school in Niger that teaches valuable skills to marginalized youth.
This project is fully funded. THANK YOU!
A US Army Civil Affairs Team deployed to rural Agadez, Niger identified a vocational school as a trusted local partner that is educating tribal youths in relevant vocations needed throughout the region: sewing, electrical repair, motorcycle repair, and welding. The school currently has 60 students enrolled in its two-year programs; notably, half of the students are girls. Upon completion of the course, students will be awarded equipment and a country-wide certificate of recognition which will allow them to be employed or start their own companies. However, the school is underfunded and lacks basic equipment needed to train the students, such as sewing machines, personal protective equipment to be worn when welding, and tool kits. The US Army Civil Affairs Team identified this need to Spirit of America. By providing economic and educational alternatives, donors can have an impact on the US objective of preventing recruitment and radicalization of Nigerien youth while building rapport and trust with the local population and leaders. This will allow the US military teams and their Nigerien partners to impede the spread of extremism and violence in this critically important area. A small amount of funding for some basic training, equipment, and outreach will go a long way in developing skills and influencing local youths in a positive manner. With your support, Spirit of America can continue to help create a more peaceful and stable future for the people of Niger.
100% of your gift will be used to purchase what is needed for this project. Donations in excess of the project’s needs will be offered a refund.