SoA Supports African Forces Battling Al-Shabaab

I’d like to tell you a bit about a recent Spirit of America effort to support the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces battling Al-Shabaab.
Al-Shabaab is an al-Qaeda linked terror group that has spread violence and fear throughout east Africa and, until late-2014, controlled large swathes of Somali territory. In 2013, the group famously attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing 67 people and wounding 175 more. Just this year, they made headlines for over-running a Kenya Defence Forces base and for the failed suicide bombing of a Somalia airliner.
In an effort to curb the influence of and support for Al-Shabaab in Somalia, AMISOM soldiers from Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Ethiopia received training on conducting community awareness and information campaigns in the areas where they operate. This will improve the flow of accurate information about AMISOM operations, government activities, and al-Shabaab atrocities to local populations, dispelling rumors and countering the terror group’s propaganda.
Spirit of America helped build relationships and a sense of team between the trainees through a graduation dinner. This dinner allowed them to come together, share ideas, and ultimately create relationships between each other on a personal level. This teamwork and partnership will help the AMISOM forces be more effective in their fight. This successful event will lead to more of these relationships building opportunities in the future.
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Chris VanJohnson
Project Manager – Africa

AMISOM forces from Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Ethiopia came together at a UN base in East Africa to receive training and equipment

Trainees familiarize themselves with some of the new equipment they were provided with during the three-day training event

After their three days of training, the graduates gathered for a meal and celebration designed to build camaraderie and enduring relationships
Chris is a US Army veteran having served as an Armor officer with a deployment to Baghdad in 2008-09 and then as a Special Operations Civil Affairs Officer with multiple deployments to Nepal in 2011-12.