SoA welcomes new project manager

Hello! My name is Terrell Chandler and I am thrilled to join Spirit of America as the new project manager for the Asia-Pacific region. While I am a new member of the team, I am no stranger to the Spirit of America organization. In 2014, I had the distinguished pleasure of serving on a team of highly trained military women who were deployed in support of US Special Operations missions in Afghanistan. One of those women was my teammate while deployed, Nicholette Doliva, who is now SoA’s Latin America project manager.

Nicholette (right) and I (left) while deployed as part of the Cultural Support Team in Afghanistan.

During our deployment, Nicholette and I worked with Chris Clary, the SoA project manager in Afghanistan at the time. I was amazed to learn that an organization like Spirit of America existed, and about the unique capabilities they offered in response to our needs. With Chris’s help, we were able to deliver humanitarian aid to a local medical clinic, quickly meeting a critical need while increasing trust between the local population and our Afghan Security Forces partners. After leaving active duty, I pursued multiple career opportunities, but none provided me with the sense of purpose and fulfillment that I experienced during my time in uniform. I still had a love for travel and a passion to be a part of something bigger than myself. I saw Nicholette and Chris doing rewarding and impactful work as they continued to serve in a new capacity. So, when SoA (FINALLY) announced they were looking for more project managers in the field, I eagerly threw my hat in the ring.

I completed humanitarian missions delivering educational supplies and toys to a village in South Africa prior to joining SoA.

I have been fortunate to gain valuable experience through humanitarian missions work as well as my military career. Now, I can’t wait to get started on this next adventure and once again work with Chris, Nicholette, and the rest of the team. Having experienced them myself, I am a big believer in the kind of profound effects Spirit of America can achieve in support of US interests, and I feel privileged to be a part of an organization that allows me to live my passion. Stay tuned, I’ll keep you updated on all the great work we do. Cheers, T
Terrell Chandler is Spirit of America's Asia Pacific Regional Program Manager.

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“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

3033 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 70 | Arlington, VA 22201

No endorsement of Spirit of America by the US Department of Defense, Department of State, or US personnel is intended or implied.

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 20-1687786

“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

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