Field update, October 2019


This month, Spirit of America had 6 members of the Field Team in 5 different countries on 4 different continents, working alongside US troops and diplomats to help bring them home whole and proud of their accomplishments. Below are a few photos and descriptions of some of the projects we are currently working on; we hope it gives you a behind-the-scenes peek at what we do every day around the world!

Dan Hewitt, our Latin America Program Manager traveled to western Panama, where he executed a project with the US Army team deployed there to improve the Panamanian National Border Service’s drug interdiction capabilities. Dan’s project provided materials for the construction of K9 kennels and handler quarters at a key checkpoint on the mountain route from Panama to the rest of Central America and eventually the United States.

Dan with a Panamanian National Border Service officer and Arca, a trained counter-narcotics K9 .

Zack Bazzi, our Middle East Regional Director, Joshua Brandon, our Middle East Regional Program Manager, and Isaac Eagan, our COO all traveled to Iraqi Kurdistan. Both Zack and Josh executed projects to support the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs, while continuing to work with US forces to develop projects in advance of an anticipated influx of Kurdish refugees. Estimates range from 30,000 – 250,000 Kurdish refugees fleeing from Syria to Iraqi Kurdistan; Spirit of America remains ready to respond to needs identified by US personnel in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Joshua and Isaac, right, with the Peshmerga K9 unit that has been clearing the region of Explosive Remnants of War left behind by ISIS.

Terrell Chandler, our Asia Pacific Program Manager was in Mongolia, where she distributed 200 Mongolian language copies of the US Army Ranger Handbook translated by Spirit of America. The need for Ranger Handbooks in the local language was identified by the US Army team deployed in Mongolia as a way to institutionalize US training within the Mongolian Armed Forces while building stronger bilateral ties between Mongolia and the United States.

Terrell distributed the translated Ranger Handbook to the Mongolian Armed Forces in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Nick Israel, our Europe Program Manager was in Zugdidi, Georgia with Tom Schurr, a Spirit of America Advisory Board member and media consultant. Nick and Tom worked alongside and provided consultation to “Radio Atinati,” a radio station that broadcasts throughout western Georgia, including areas under separatist control. Spirit of America’s assistance helped Radio Atinati better meet the information needs of the community and demonstrated American resolve for our friends in Georgia.

Nick and Tom Schurr, right, consult with Radio Atinati leadership in Zugdidi, Georgia.

Sincerely, The Team at Spirit of America P.S. If you know someone else who might be interested in supporting our work around the world, please forward them this email, or have them reach out to us at [email protected].

3033 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201-3868

No endorsement of Spirit of America by the US Department of Defense, Department of State, or US personnel is intended or implied.

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 20-1687786

“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

3033 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 70 | Arlington, VA 22201

No endorsement of Spirit of America by the US Department of Defense, Department of State, or US personnel is intended or implied.

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 20-1687786

“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

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