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Give your old instrument a new life
Give your old instrument a new life
Spirit of America brings oxygen to India’s rural health facilities
Spirit of America brings oxygen to India’s rural health facilities
The sounds of freedom
The sounds of freedom
Spirit of America earns 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for 4th consecutive year
Spirit of America earns 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for 4th consecutive year
Clearing explosives in Syria with US Special Operations Forces and a local nonprofit
Clearing explosives in Syria with US Special Operations Forces and a local nonprofit
Honoring the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day
Honoring the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day
Spirit of America welcomes Alan Feldenkris as Chief Marketing Officer to drive its growth potential
Spirit of America welcomes Alan Feldenkris as Chief Marketing Officer to drive its growth potential
Why I serve with Spirit of America
Why I serve with Spirit of America
Forging US-Fiji military partnerships in the classroom
Forging US-Fiji military partnerships in the classroom
A promise made and kept
A promise made and kept
Remembering George Shultz… “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you”
Remembering George Shultz… “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you”
A leader and patriot joins Spirit of America
A leader and patriot joins Spirit of America
Spirit of America honors Republic of the Marshall Islands citizens that served in the US military
Spirit of America honors Republic of the Marshall Islands citizens that served in the US military
A letter from CEO Jim Hake
A letter from CEO Jim Hake
Keep US troops and diplomats safe on #GivingTuesday
Keep US troops and diplomats safe on #GivingTuesday
Your support is important to our country’s future
Your support is important to our country’s future
Veterans Day, and a note from a US Special Forces soldier
Veterans Day, and a note from a US Special Forces soldier
Unlocking the power of football
Unlocking the power of football
Our troops, our diplomats, and our great nation need your participation
Our troops, our diplomats, and our great nation need your participation
Entrepreneurial approach to food insecurity strengthens US-Montenegro relationship
Entrepreneurial approach to food insecurity strengthens US-Montenegro relationship
American generosity at work in Beirut
American generosity at work in Beirut
General Joe Dunford joins the Spirit of America team
General Joe Dunford joins the Spirit of America team
Remembering 9/11, and we’re in this together
Remembering 9/11, and we’re in this together
Spirit of America protects health of US troops in Central America during COVID-19
Spirit of America protects health of US troops in Central America during COVID-19

3033 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201-3868

No endorsement of Spirit of America by the US Department of Defense, Department of State, or US personnel is intended or implied.

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 20-1687786

“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

3033 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 70 | Arlington, VA 22201

No endorsement of Spirit of America by the US Department of Defense, Department of State, or US personnel is intended or implied.

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 20-1687786

“You don't have to wear a uniform to serve the nation.™” and “Patriotism without politics.™” are trademarked by Spirit of America.

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