The Leadership Podcast with SoA’s Jim Hake Jim’s episode, titled “Special Forces Resourcefulness Parallels the Spirit of American Entrepreneurism,” explores how his idea for combining private sector support with the American mission has come to fruition in...
Spirit of America at Fort Bragg Greetings from the Tar Heel State, Last week, I was in Fort Bragg, NC, a place our project managers and I visit often, and a place that played a significant role in my military career. I first arrived at Fort Bragg in December 2009 to...
My recent trip to Syria Dear supporters, I recently traveled to Syria with a US Army team to explore ways SoA might be able to ease local suffering while furthering US objectives on the ground. I’ve been to Syria a number of times, but this trip in particular was...
American sacrifice, American commitment Dear SoA team members, This week, as we reflect upon the tremendous sacrifices made by our forefathers 73 years ago on the beaches of Normandy, I’d like to share with you the recent experience Jim and I had visiting similar...
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