Tangible support for the promotion of women’s rights in Kosovo
Tangible support for the promotion of women’s rights in Kosovo Greetings, I’d like to share an update with you about a project we first told you about here. Reacting to a critical need identified by a US Army Civil Affairs team working in Kosovo, Spirit of America...
Field Ops Director Isaac Eagan Gives SoA Elevator Pitch
Field Ops Director Isaac Eagan Gives SoA Elevator Pitch Our Ops Director, Isaac Eagan giving us an example of Spirit of America’s elevator pitch, live from Iraqi Kurdistan. Listen as he explains SoA’s model and how we’re able to work in some of the...
Gabe Lamois Joins the SoA Team
Gabe Lamois Joins the SoA Team Hi, my name is Gabe LaMois, and I’m the newest member of the Spirit of America team. I joined Spirit of America in early June of 2016 following nearly a decade of service in the Army as an Infantry and Special Forces officer. Most...
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