美國精神帶氧氣給印度偏遠衛生機構 For English click here 美國精神正提供印度偏遠地區的公共衛生中心關鍵醫療協助,幫助緩解該國新冠肺炎危機。 I為了支持美國駐新德里大使館,並與國際人性價值協會和美國印度基金會這兩個全球組織合作,美國精神正在向疫情前線的醫療機構運送320台製氧機,涵蓋印度10個州內的28個區。 泰米爾那都州曼納恰納盧爾政府醫院的病患正在接受美國精神提供的製氧機治療。 在奧迪薩州巴德拉克的一間醫療機構,一名志工正在卸下捐贈的製氧機。 此援助的實現得益於Imperative...
Afghanistan to Albania to America: A new home for the Afghan evacuees
Afghanistan to Albania to America: A new home for the Afghan evacuees After the Taliban retook Afghanistan, Spirit of America acted quickly to help our loyal Afghan partners who were in danger because of their connections to the United States. Working closely with...
Little Kabul in Albania: Escaping the Taliban
Little Kabul in Albania: Escaping the Taliban In October I had the opportunity to travel to Albania and visit with the group of 121 Afghan evacuees that Spirit of America was supporting. As I entered the hotel compound in Shëngjin where the evacuees are staying – an...
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